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When in high school Christy began telling her mother about how boys were coming on to her and her feelings toward some of them, Carly promptly put Christy on the pill. She took her and had her fitted for a diaphragm and then gave her advice on how to handle the boys. When Christy gave up her virginity at sixteen she told Carly about it and when Carly didn't react the way other mothers responded to similar confessions Christy continued to keep her mother informed of all her subsequent sexual explorations. By nineteen Christy had been screwed by eleven different boys and Carly knew of each and every one of them.Carly continued to preach safe sex and to give Christy advice on what she should and shouldn't allow. The other side of the coin was that Christy told her mother each and every intimate detail of her sexual liaisons. At the time I knew nothing of the mother/daughter conversations - I didn't learn of them until much later - but had I known I'm not sure I would have much cared. He looked puzzled and asked me what did I mean. I said that if he wanted somewhere to meet a guy and if I was up here for work he could use my room to have his fun in. As he blushed again I noticed how blue his eyes are. He replied and said that he was grateful for my offer, he dropped his head and said he would love to be able to take me up on it. We finished the meal in silence, I paid and said let’s go and collect his box from my room and then I would run him back to his digs. As we walked down the corridor Finlay didn’t look at me once, so when we reached my room I asked him if I had offended him and if I had I was very sorry. As the door closed Finlay looked at me and started to say something about the guys he’d mentioned earlier, but stopped mid-sentence. I asked him to say it again. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me, he paused, swallowed and then said again that the guys at Uni weren’t his type. He paused again and said he liked older guys.The silence in the room.
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